Email Notifications

Issue alert emails

ARMO Platform will automatically notify you of any important security finding in your clusters. These will keep you up-to-date on any significant security changes in your environment so you can take appropriate action.

ARMO sends immediate email alerts for the following findings:

  1. A new cluster admin was added.
  2. A decrease of 15% or more in Compliance between the last two scans.
  3. A New Critical or High Vulnerability was detected in your cluster (coming soon).
  4. A patch is available for a vulnerability in your cluster (coming soon)

Weekly report emails

ARMO sends weekly report emails to provide users with a summary of the Vulnerability and Compliance status for all assets and accounts they are associated with.

The weekly status update includes:

  • The number of clusters and repositories scanned in your account during the preceding week.
  • The top 5 failed controls, calculated by severity and the number of impacted resources.
  • The top 5 CVEs, calculated by severity and the number of impacted images.
  • Top failed clusters.
  • Top failed repositories.