Azure Kubernetes Service integration

This uses the Kubescape CLI to scan the clusters and run commands.

Collect the ClusterID and PrincipalID

In the Azure CLI, run the following commands:

  1. List managed identities for the cluster.
  2. Collect the principalID using the ID returned from the previous command.
    az identity show --ids \<id_from_step_1>
  3. Collect the clusterID.
    az aks list | grep \<cluster_name>

Install Kubescape with credentials

There are two ways to manage identities in Azure- System-assigned and User-assigned.

It depends on how you manage your identities:

System-Assigned Managed Identities

Assign the Reader role to the PrincipalID in the scope of the cluster

In the Azure CLI, run the following command:

az role assignment create --assignee "\<principal_id>" --role "Reader" --scope "\<cluster_id>"

You must have the ability to assign a role, if you get an authorization error while creating the role, please get in touch with your AZURE administrator.

Install Kubescape

Pay attention that you need to add manually the following:

  1. cloudProviderMetadata.cloudProviderEngine=aks
  2. cloudProviderMetadata.aksSubscriptionID=<Subscription ID>
  3. cloudProviderMetadata.aksResourceGroup=<Resource Group>
helm repo add kubescape ; helm repo update ; helm upgrade --install kubescape kubescape/kubescape-operator -n kubescape --create-namespace --set clusterName=`kubectl config current-context` --set account=<ACCOUNT_ID> --set  --set cloudProviderMetadata.aksSubscriptionID=`az account show --query id --output tsv` --set cloudProviderMetadata.aksResourceGroup=`az resource list --name \`kubectl config current-context\` --query [].resourceGroup --output tsv` --set cloudProviderMetadata.cloudProviderEngine=aks

User-Assigned Managed Identities

Assign the Reader role to the Managed Identity of the kubelet to the scope of the cluster control plane.

In the Azure CLI, run the following command:

az role assignment create --assignee $(az aks show --resource-group $(az resource list --name $(kubectl config current-context) --query "[].resourceGroup" --output tsv) --name $(kubectl config current-context) --query "identityProfile.kubeletidentity.clientId" --output tsv) --role "Reader" --scope /subscriptions/$(az account show --query id --output tsv)/resourceGroups/$(az resource list --name $(kubectl config current-context) --query "[].resourceGroup" --output tsv)

You must have the ability to assign a role, if you get an authorization error while creating the role, please get in touch with your AZURE administrator.

Install Kubescape

Pay attention that you need to add manually the following:

  1. cloudProviderMetadata.cloudProviderEngine=aks
  2. cloudProviderMetadata.aksSubscriptionID=<Subscription ID>
  3. cloudProviderMetadata.aksResourceGroup=<Resource Group>
  4. cloudProviderMetadata.aksTenantID=<Tenant ID>
  5. cloudProviderMetadata.aksClientID=<Client ID>
  6. cloudProviderMetadata.aksClientSecret=<ClientSecret>

It should look like this:

helm repo add kubescape ; helm repo update ; helm upgrade --install kubescape kubescape/kubescape-operator -n kubescape --create-namespace --set clusterName=$(kubectl config current-context) --set account=<ACCOUNT_ID> --set accessKey=<ACCESSKEY> --set  --set cloudProviderMetadata.aksSubscriptionID=$(az account show --query id --output tsv) --set cloudProviderMetadata.aksResourceGroup=$(az resource list --name $(kubectl config current-context) --query "[].resourceGroup" --output tsv) --set cloudProviderMetadata.cloudProviderEngine=aks --set cloudProviderMetadata.aksTenantID=<AZURE tenant ID> --set cloudProviderMetadata.aksClientID=$(az aks show --resource-group $(az resource list --name $(kubectl config current-context) --query "[].resourceGroup" --output tsv) --name $(kubectl config current-context) --query "identityProfile.kubeletidentity.clientId" --output tsv) --set cloudProviderMetadata.aksClientSecret=<Client secret>